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Bizarre Adventures (2019)

Bizarre Adventures (2019)

Genres: Action, Adventure, Superhero

Publisher: Marvel

Writer: Jon Adams, Becky Cloonan, Michael Conrad, Sebastian Girner, Jed Mackay

Artist: Becky Cloonan, Francesco Manna, Chris Mooneyham

Publication date: October 2 2019

Status: Completed

Views: 25,772


PREPARE FOR THE BIZARRE! To celebrate Marvel’s 80th we’re resurrecting one of its wildest creations, BIZARRE ADVENTURES! Within these pages you will see Shang-Chi take on a martial arts master, Ulysses Bloodstone battle a master of the dark arts, Dracula meet his match, and the Marvel debut of Achewood’s Chris Onstad! These adventures will be thrilling, exciting and most definitely BIZARRE!


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