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Daughters of the Dragon (2018)

Daughters of the Dragon (2018)

Genres: Action, Adventure, Superhero

Publisher: Marvel

Writer: Jed Mackay

Artist: Travel Foreman

Publication date: November 14 2018

Status: Completed

Views: 97,622


A DOUBLE-SIZED Marvel Digital Original you don't want to miss! MISTY KNIGHT and COLLEEN WING have stolen the shows on Marvel's LUKE CAGE, IRON FIST and DEFENDERS on Netflix and now they have their own MDO series! This duo has been fighting crime as the Daughters of the Dragon for years but with Misty's new job with the FBI, does this mean the two are splitzies? NOT ON YOUR LIFE! A crazy adventure that Colleen initiates puts comics' two greatest ass-kickers on a collision course with a weird and scary side of the Marvel Universe that will have you on the edge of your seat.


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