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Gwenpool Special

Gwenpool Special

Genres: Action, Adventure, Superhero

Publisher: Marvel

Writer: Charles Soule, Christopher Hastings, Gerry Duggan, Margaret Stohl

Artist: Danilo Beyruth, Gurihiru, Juan Gedeon, Langdon Foss

Publication date: February 2016

Status: Completed

Views: 235,439


An All-New, All-Different Marvel Holiday Special! She-Hulk throws a holiday party and invites the entire Marvel U! Deadpool teams up with both Hawkeyes- Kate and Clint- to...stop a pickpocket? Ms. Marvel takes on her most dangerous threat yet: the holiday blues! And then there's the reason for the season (al special): Gwenpool! Yup, you read that right- Gwen. Pool. C'mon, you know you're curious.


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