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One Eight Hundred Ghosts

One Eight Hundred Ghosts

Genres: Graphic Novels, Sci-Fi

Publisher: Fantagraphics Books

Writer: G. Davis Cathcart

Artist: G. Davis Cathcart

Publication date: July 2022

Status: Completed

Views: 9,802


A team of socialite scenesters moonlight as astral-projecting, art-thieving, time-travelers based in 1980 and concoct a heist to steal... Michael Jackson's Thriller?

Using otherworldly technology to enter the future and repurpose the intellectual property of a popular yet evil artist in order to change its cultural trajectory, Cedric and his team realize that society will face a conundrum that only they can rectify: accept the work of a sonic genius despite any abusive behavior, or release the work themselves, stripping the artist of the pivotal success that would later enable horrible crimes. Ultimately, the team decides to save the decade's defining cultural touchstone before it ever happens: Michael Jackson's Thriller. One Eight Hundred Ghosts is the brilliant debut graphic novella from cartoonist G. Davis Cathcart, printed in an oversized, full color format best suited to showcase Davis's detailed cartooning and eye-popping page designs.


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