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Plastic Man No More!

Plastic Man No More!

Genres: Comedy, Drama, Superhero

Publisher: DC Comics

Writer: Christopher Cantwell

Artist: Marcelo Miaolo, Jacob Edgar, Alex Lins

Publication date: Sep 4th, 2024

Status: Ongoing

Views: 9,259


Eel O'Brian might be a superhero now — but before he was anything else, he was a crook. Until the accident that turned him into the pliable Plastic Man, Eel was bad to the bone... and just because he no longer has bones doesn't mean that's not still true. When an incident on a Justice League mission leads to catastrophic cellular damage, Plastic Man discovers he just might be out of time to make amends for the past he's tried hard to outrun — or to save the soul of his son, who (unfortunately for him) might have inherited more from dear old Dad than just his superpowers...


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